Mimi Sroka


Franklin Elementary school

Mimi has been making healthy school lunches (and other meals) for her children for too many years to count! She is happy to be working the PAHF and SMMUSD to improve school food for all our kids. Her goal is to advocate for access to healthy, real food meals that kids want to eat.


Harriet Fraser

FOUNDER and chair

Grant Elementary school and John adams middle school

Harriet, originally a family doctor in central London, has been passionate about improving school food since moving the the US from the UK back in 2008.  She has been involved with many projects including Jamie Oliver's Food Revolution, Chef projects at Grant Elementary School and general fresh food advocacy around children.  She founded the first Health and Wellness Committee within Grant Elementary School which is still going strong today. Mother of three, Harriet cooks fresh for her children as often as she can and likes to teach her children to cook and the benefits of eating fresh healthy food.  

Parent Representatives By School


Edison Language Academy: 

Franklin Elementary School: 
Mimi Sroka 

Grant Elementary School: 
Harriet Fraser

 John Muir Elementary School:

Malibu Elementary School: 

McKinley Elementary School: 

Roosevelt Elementary School:  Fabien Coppens


John L Webster Elementary School: 

Will Rogers Learning Community: 

John Adams Middle School:

 Lincoln Middle School: Stephan Corbel

Malibu Middle/High School: 

 Santa Monica High School: Harriet Fraser and  Stephan Corbel